
Within temptation: gatekeeper avec ff

2008-06-27 1 Dailymotion

bon ben j'ai trouvé les paroles!!!!!!!!
là ça m'avait paru comme un défi de faire celle là alors je faire une grosse dédicace à Tifa55, Edhelanthox, et bien sur la niçoise milie_nissart_06 à qui je dédicacerait prochainement une amv, puisque elle m'a fait une grosse pub sur sa 30e vidéo merci l'extraterrestre de tatooine
et bien sur donc grand merci à la végas team
dc voilà les paroles de gatekeeper de nightwish:
The shadows of the night,
are unleashed ageinn.
Where their greed begins
the end is near.
A morbid hunger for blood,
lies in their cold black eyes
They've come to take ouur lifes away.

One by one they died.
A massacre that took all night
They had no chance, it was no fight
You can't kil what has been killed before,
They died...

With shadows on its tale.
He steppedThrough the portal,
locked the door and ate the key.
With his life they took their way to freedom,
and be became the final keeper of the key.