
Going Ballistic 2017! Small Bore Lethality brought to you by H&N Pellets - Walther MaximaThor .25

2017-08-10 91 Dailymotion

This year on Going Ballistic we’ll be focusing on how to get the most out of your small bore airgun. We’re talking maximum lethality here folks. H&N makes some of the most lethal pellets on the market and we’ll be testing some of their top pellets in a variety of small bore airguns and not just PCPs either! In this episode we’ll take a look at the Walther MaximaThor .25 and see what kind of damage we can do with the .25 Cal Grizzly pellet and the .25 Cal Hornet. We hope you like what you see!

It’s a great time to be an airgunner!

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Pyramyd Air is the OFFICIAL vendor for AirgunWebTV. Get it from the experts. Get it from http://www.PyramydAir.com!

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PyramydAir Air Guns - http://www.pyramydair.com/air-guns?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=agwtv-airguns

PyramydAir Air Rifles - http://www.pyramydair.com/air-rifles?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=agwtv-airrifles

PyramydAir BB Guns - http://www.pyramydair.com/bb-guns?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=agwtv-bbguns

Sponsor for this AGWTV SHORT:
H&N Pellets - https://www.hn-sport.de/en
H&N .25 Grizzly Pellets - https://www.hn-sport.de/en/air-gun-hunting/grizzly-25
H&N .25 Hornets - https://www.hn-sport.de/en/air-gun-hunting/hornet-25

Clear Ballistics - https://www.clearballistics.ca
9” Airgun block - https://www.clearballistics.ca/products/clear-ballistics-10-air-rifle-block-9x4x4

Umarex USA - https://www.umarexusa.com
Walther MaximaThor .25 - https://www.umarexusa.com/products/walther-maximathor-25-caliber-pcp

H&N .25 Cal Grizzly Pellets - http://www.pyramydair.com/s/p/H_N_Grizzly_Pellets_25_Cal_31_Grains_Hollowpoint_150ct/1225?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=agwtv-hngriz25

H&N .25 Cal Hornet Pellets - http://www.pyramydair.com/s/p/H_N_Hornet_Pellets_25_Cal_24_38_Grains_Pointed_150ct_Blister_Pack/1378?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=agwtv-hnhornet25

Clear Ballistics 9” Airgun Block - https://www.clearballistics.ca/products/clear-ballistics-10-air-rifle-block-9x4x4

Walther MaximatThor .25 - http://www.pyramydair.com/s/m/Walther_MaximaThor_Air_Rifle/4071/7762?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=agwtv-maxthor25

Other references:
AirgunWebTV 2017 Season - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm5e-ov37hirpXfPY1IemZ3dVrrQxu0Tr

Going Ballistic Videos - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm5e-ov37hiqz3rjb9SrrHcHlj3vc-j-6

Umarex USA Videos - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm5e-ov37hir5j_jI7tw8yFtS_8uZYpoL

People in this episode:
Rick Eutsler - (http://www.airgunweb.com)
Aaron “The Barbarian”

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AirgunWeb & AirgunWebTV are produced by Dog River Design, LLC. http://www.dogriverdesign.com.