
Airport trouble: Passenger holding baby punched by not-so-Nice French airport worker - TomoNews

2017-08-02 3 Dailymotion

NICE, FRANCE — A French airport worker took horrendous customer service to a whole other level when he popped a passenger in the face, never mind that the man was holding a baby.

Air travel is stressful enough as it is, but the passengers of EasyJet Flight 2122 hit the nightmare jackpot when their flight from Nice to London was delayed for over 14 hours, the Washington Post reported.

It was especially frustrating for parents, whose little humans needed food and rest — two things the airport just couldn't provide.

Frustrated at the lack of information and provisions, the travelers complained to airport staff, who added insult to injury by smirking and doing nothing.

A passenger holding his 9-month-old baby tried to snap a photo of one douchebag member of staff, but his phone was swiftly slapped out of his hand. When the man shoved the worker back in retaliation, the employee lunged forward and socked him in the face.

A photo of the punch soon went viral after it was posted on Twitter by eyewitness Arabella Arkwright.

Both men were taken away by airport security. The passenger eventually made it onto his flight, where he was applauded by fellow travelers.

EasyJet was quick to do damage control by claiming the assailant wasn't on their payroll, but was employed by the airport's "special assistance provider." Still, the airline failed miserably in handling the delay and should be held accountable.

As for the violent employee, he has since been suspended, and is clearly in the wrong industry.