
Manus Protesters Demand Restoration of Power and Water to Compound

2017-08-01 13 Dailymotion

About a hundred refugees and asylum seekers gathered within Australia’s offshore detention centre on Manus Island on August 1 to demand electricity and water be restored to their compound.

Residents of the Foxtrot compound inside the Manus Island Regional Processing Centre have faced increasing pressure from centre management to relocate before its planned closure on October 31. Refugees and activists claimed operators switched off power and water to the facility, in a bid to hasten its departure so the compound could be demolished.

Foxtrot is one of many compounds being occupied by the 800-plus refugees and asylum seekers who have been denied entry to Australia. Residents fear that if PNG Immigration and the Australian Border Force are able to successfully force residents out, then the Mike, Oscar, and Delta compounds would also be vulnerable.

Although Papua New Guinea authorities have organised alternative accommodation in East Lorengau, a settlement in the Manus township, Foxtrot residents have expressed concerns for their safety – especially after three men were allegedly attacked with machetes and left seriously injured over the weekend. Credit: Anonymous via Storyful