
Trump’s Fury Erodes His Relationship With Sessions, an Early Ally

2017-07-23 1 Dailymotion

Trump’s Fury Erodes His Relationship With Sessions, an Early Ally
Sessions said on Thursday that he intended to serve “as long as
that is appropriate.” And a spokeswoman for Mr. Trump, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, tried to moderate her boss’s remarks, telling reporters later, “Clearly, he has confidence in him, or he would not be the attorney general.”
Sessions remains in his job, the relationship between him and Mr. Trump — the Alabama lawyer and the Queens real estate developer, an odd couple bound by a shared conviction
that illegal immigration is destroying America — is unlikely to ever be the same, according to a half-dozen people close to Mr. Trump.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions deflected questions about whether he can continue to serve in his post after President
Trump in a New York Times interview took him to task for recusing himself from the Russia investigation.
It turned out to be a preview of even more cutting remarks Mr. Trump would make two days later in an interview with : an extraordinary public expression of dissatisfaction with
one of his top aides based on Mr. Sessions’s decision in March to recuse himself from the expanding federal investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.
But in recent weeks, Mr. Trump has become more aware of how hard it could be, given the investigations, to win Senate
confirmation of a new attorney general, especially one who possesses the iron loyalty the president demands of Mr.
Former colleagues expressed sympathy for Mr.
WASHINGTON — President Trump’s staff is used to his complaints about Attorney General Jeff Sessions,
but the Republican senators who attended a White House dinner on Monday were stunned to hear him criticize the man who was once Mr. Trump’s most loyal supporter in the Senate.