
What is the biggest mistake personal injury clients make?

2017-07-21 7 Dailymotion

What is the biggest mistake personal injury clients make?
Here are two really big mistakes.

First, some plaintiffs tank their cases before they even begin by signing insurance company documents prematurely. Know this: you are not required to sign anything from the other person’s insurance company or their lawyers, and probably shouldn’t. without talking to your attorney. The first document you should think about signing is your retainer agreement with a personal injury firm. When doing so, bring all the paperwork you’ve received.

The other person’s insurance company will try to trick, intimidate, or pressure you into signing away rights. They may offer you a sum of money that will sound great until you learn the extent of your injuries. They may make it seem like you’re legally obligated to give them statements. They’re not the police, and this is not a criminal investigation. Stay silent, sign nothing, and let your lawyer handle it.

The second mistake is failing to seek medical treatment. You may “feel ok” directly after an accident. If you are hurting at all go see a doctor anyway. Some injuries take time to emerge. The trauma and adrenaline of the accident may mask serious injuries. If you don’t seek treatment then it’s going to be difficult to prove you were hurting. You may even be accused of making things up, so see a doctor, follow their instructions to the letter, and document everything. We will tell you here and now that if you are hurting, seeing a doctor on the day of the accident is the very best thing you can do.

Can YOU still initiate a case if I was partially at fault for the accident?
Sometimes. In general, though, we advise you not to go around admitting fault or trying to determine whether or not you are at fault. “Fault” is a sticky legal term, and in our experience people tend to over-estimate their responsibility rather than to underestimate it. It’s best to just allow us to go through the facts of the case so we can make a determination.

Contact the client focused results driven attorneys at the Law Office of Alba & Yochim today for help if you or a loved one have been injured.

Law Office of Alba & Yochim P.A.
2700 NW 43rd Street, Ste D
Gainesville, FL 32606

Phone: (352) 327-3643
Toll Free: (800) 520-5945
Fax: (352) 354-4475