
Best butt in China finds it difficult being out in public - TomoNews

2017-07-07 576 Dailymotion

SHENYANG, CHINA — A young woman in northeast China who has recently risen to fame claims she’s been having trouble navigating the waters of everyday life after gaining notoriety for her prize-winning posterior.

A popular vlogger and part-time personal trainer, Gao Qian, 19, entered China’s “Most Beautiful Buttocks” contest on June 24, and blew the judges away when she showed off her glutes. After coming first in a field of 50 contestants, Qian says it’s actually made life in public notably problematic. In an interview with MailOnline, she claims she can’t wear tights anymore because people now constantly surround her and point at her backside. She also referenced a recent incident where a couple began arguing behind her about her buttocks, because the man expressed his appreciation for her rear end.

Qian says she trained her butt off in advance of the competition, putting in six-hour sessions at the gym everyday, which reportedly consisted of thousands of squats and lunges. Qian has since resorted to wearing baggy pants everywhere, in an attempt to disguise herself from future admirers.