
XENOBOX VR I VR Game Trailer I HTC VIVE 2017

2017-07-04 6 Dailymotion

XENOBOX VR - VR Game Trailer
Release: 01.07.2017
Platform: HTC VIVE

Fight for the future of the planet on the last frontier! Do not let the enemy destroy the last obstacle on the way to capturing the Earth! You are to be strong, clever, and very attentive. You will have to move a lot in order not to get caught in the crossfire of the enemy.

Kämpfe für die Zukunft des Planeten an der letzten Grenze! Lassen Sie den Feind nicht das letzte Hindernis auf dem Weg zur Erfassung der Erde zerstören! Sie sind stark, klug und sehr aufmerksam. Du musst viel bewegen, um nicht im Kreuzfeuer des Feindes gefangen zu werden.

Check out my TOP 4 of UPCOMING VR GAMES July 2017: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5rvqpg_upcoming-vr-games-i-july-2017-i-virtual-reality-games-for-july_videogames

Check out my TOP 6 of UPCOMING GAMES JULY: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5scci0_upcoming-games-i-july-2017-new-games-july-2017_videogames

Check out the following Game Trailer:
GENESIS ALPHA ONE: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5rys68_genesis-alpha-one-i-game-trailer-i-e3-2017-i-pc-ps4-xbox-one_videogames
FRONT DEFENSE VR: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5s15v1_front-defense-vr-i-vr-game-trailer-i-htc-vive-2017_videogames
PAST CURE: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5s8yyu_past-cure-i-game-trailer-i-story-trailer-i-pc-ps4-2017_videogames
VALKYRIA REVOLUTION: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5s901b_valkyria-revolution-i-launch-trailer-i-ps4-xbox-one-2017_videogames