
Hafz Metin Demirtas. Kisa Sureler. Seyh Abdussamed Makami. Seyh Abdussamed mukallidi. Seyh Abdussamed taklidi. Sheikh Abdelbaset. Sheikh Abdulbasit. Sheikh Abdulbasit Abdussamed. Sheikh Abdelbaset Abdessamad. Kopenhag Kocatepe Camii. Quran recitation

2017-06-26 1 Dailymotion

Hafız Metin Demirtaş, Kuran Tilaveti.
Kısa sureler: İhlas, Felak, Nas ve Fatiha sureleri
Mısır ağzı, arap şivesi - Şeyh Abdulbasit Abdussamed makamı.
10/5 - 2017

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Qur'ân recitation, Surah Al İkhlâs, Al Felaq, Al Nâs ve Al Fatihah.
Copenhagen Denmark, Bigmosque Turkish of Diyanet "Kopenhag Kocatepe Camii". 10/5 - 2017

Egyptian style, maqâm.
İmitation of the Sheikh Abdelbaset Abdessamad.
By Qaari Metin Demirtaş

Social Media
Follow me at Youtube and İnstagram by writing "Metin Demirtaş" and from facebook.com.
The target group for my homepage is mostly fans of listening of my tilawah Al- Qur'ân and my Adhans of Makkah and Madinah.

قران تلاوة، قصار السور الاخلاص، الفلق، الناس، الفاتحة
محاكاة و تقليد لشيخ عبدالباسط عبدالصمد