
Brian Head Fire Grows to Over 43,000 Acres, 10 Percent Contained

2017-06-26 2 Dailymotion

A massive wildfire burning in the Brian Head area of southern Utah since June 17 grew to more than 43,000 acres on Monday, June 26, doubling in size since Friday.

Residents of Upper Bear Valley were evacuated Monday morning due to forecasted winds. Utah Fire Info reported that a Red Flag warning was put into effect because of strong southwest winds that could lead to rapid fire growth.

According to Utah Governor Gary Herbert, the fire was started by the use of a weed torch in dry conditions. So far, the fire has destroyed 13 homes and eight structures.

This video shows a timelapse of the smoke plume from the fire, which has reportedly spread to surrounding states, including Colorado. Credit: Instagram/Alan Stensgar-Maul via Storyful