
Prison drone delivery: Drones keep dropping off goodies to inmates behind bars - TomoNews

2017-06-21 2 Dailymotion

‘MURICA — Drones have been used more than a dozen times within the last five years to smuggle contraband into correctional facilities.

Back in the day, getting contraband behind bars involved bribing prison guards or getting visitors to jam a whole bunch of junk up their poop shoots.

Now inmates are having drones do their drops offs for them instead, USA Today reported.

As drones drop in price and become easier to operate, they’re increasingly being used to transport contraband into federal and state penitentiaries.

Smuggling stuff into prison is a federal offense, but no statute currently bans drones from flying near prisons.

Enterprising inmates have used drones to drop off all kinds of things like mobile phones as well as some much needed narcotics and other drugs.

Of course who can get through the long and lonely nights without your daily dose of prison porn.

And you can forget about your trusty shank, with delivery drones, guns can be transported too.

As correctional facilities scramble to develop new countermeasures, Amazon want to might think about a new market — Amazon Prison Air.