
DUI Attorney Fairfax Virginia

2017-06-21 2 Dailymotion

Our Website http://www.ervinkibrialaw.com/first-offense-possession-marijuana-in-virginia/
If you've been charged with Fairfax Marijuana Possession without a prescription, contact a criminal attorney who can answer your questions and tell you what to expect in court. If you're convicted of personal possession or use of marijuana, you are eligible for probation and the court is required to suspend the imposition or execution of the sentence. While on probation, you must participate in an appropriate drug treatment or education program and may be required to attend a more stringent treatment program and serve one year in jail for a second offense.
My Profile : http://www.dailymotion.com/ErvinkibriaLaw
More Vidoes : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5ri1jo_fairfax-criminal-defense-attorney-mpeg4