
South Sudanese Refugee Adopts Orphans in Ugandan Camp

2017-06-19 22 Dailymotion

In Bidibidi, Uganda’s largest refugee camp, Joann and her sister Nancy, orphaned by the conflict in South Sudan, met Joyce, another South Sudanese refugee, who adopted the two as her foster children, according to the UNHCR.

According to the UNHCR report, the three have made a new home together in Bidibidi, attempting to rebuild their lives after leaving everything behind in South Sudan. A recent investigation by The Guardian reported more than 270,000 refugees living in Bidibidi, and at least another 500,000 elsewhere in Uganda.

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The video was released as part of a larger campaign around the release of the UNHCR’s Global Trends Report 2016 and World Refugee Day, slated to take place on June 20.

Click here for more information. Credit: UNHCR via Storyful