
RE Creators (Anime) Episode 1 Review

2017-06-18 16 Dailymotion

Here's a new video and 1 of 2 anime reviews I'm starting to begin with, some old content being uploaded soon.

Its hard to record videos in this heat and I ended up rambling a bit. Thanks to Mugiwara_Necoke of YouTube and Vidme for the tips and inspiration (including his thumbnail style), I promise I'll improve the thumbnails for the next anime I review.

I do have a written version too: https://samearl13.wordpress.com/2017/06/17/re-creators-anime-episode-1-review/

Amazon UK and Amazon US both have them digitally for Prime members (US has some probably shitty t-shirts too)
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2sfIP2X
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2sI0cLe

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