
Lag is not an excuse. iPound4Pound, you are a jealous casualfag. You are NOT the GOAT. You aren't even a real gamer. You have NO talent.

2017-06-15 1 Dailymotion

(Pause the video if the text is too fast. Then press "Play" when you are done reading.)

Enough is a enough. I am sick of you, your hypocrisy, your two-faced snake bullshit, and your jealously.

Every time we get into some type of fight or argument, you are always the one who starts it.

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

I've had enough of it.

You are not better than me. In ANY fucking game that we play.

Not Fight Night Champion.
Not Super Smash Brothers Melee
Not Ultra Street Fighter IV


There is absolutely nothing that you do on this game that is special.

You do not play FNC like a top player.

There is absolutely nothing that you do that sets you aside from anyone else that plays this game anymore. Nothing.

1) Backstep straight whenever someone comes even remotely close to you.

2) Sidestep uppercut when nothing else lands

3) 1-2 (Body-head) when nothing else lands

4) Mash out random combos when all else fails

5) Step only as a opposite to walk

6) Step + Lean everywhere because you have no movement.

You're a scrub dude. You really are.

You run with your hands down in lag, have no buttons, no spacing, no footsies, can't MBM at will, can't FF+A at will, can't moonwalk, can't link true combos, can't lean cancel as fast as I can, can't weaveshine, can't weave cancel, can't punch cancel, can't perfect block the way I can, and utilize absolutely no advanced metagame whatsoever.

You rely solely on lag favor, and random EA occurances like flashes, 1pkos and critical stuns to get your online "win".

And feel good about it because you know you're inferior.

I am so many levels above you and everyone else on FNC that it's disgusting.

I actually almost feel sorry for you for being so desperate to fit in on the only game that you actually play on a console.


You have always been one to verbalize things. Now you've turned into a coward and started ignore me, throwing shade aimed at me to a third party because you didn't have the courage to speak to me directly.

That speaks loud.

That's objective fear.

I am actually relieved that you hate me and that this is over because you have always held me back.

Now I can tell the objective truth without having to give two shits about whether or not you get offended.

I am better than you at every game we play and I am the god of FNC.

Anyone who has to lie about lag favor is a scrub and inferior. Period.

You hate me because I tell the truth about lag and how it's the only reason you stand a chance in a fight and last longer than 3 rounds.

Everyone on that page hates me for the same reason.

Because I refuse to lie to or for you or them.

None of you are good.

Get over it.

Go play Clash of Clans on your cellphone.