
Windows 10 - tutorial for absolute beginners 6 - 2 / Windows 10 tutorijal za apsolutne pocetnike 6 -2

2017-06-14 26 Dailymotion

Besplatne kanale mozete gledati na http://www.balkantelevizija.net

Blog: http://tutorijalibyscorpio.blogspot.ba

U sestom dijelu tutorijala objasnjene su neke osnovne funkcije operativnog sistema Widnows 10, file explorer, how to copy, cut, paste, rename file, read-only, hidden file, file attributes, file properties, how to create shortcut, quick access to file.

In the sixth part of tutorial some functions of operating system Windows 10 are explained such as file explorer, how to copy, cut, paste, rename file, read-only, hidden file, file attributes, file properties, how to create shortcut, quick access to file.