
Drug Testing - How to Pass a Drug Test / What You Need to Know to Pass a Drug Test

2017-06-07 2 Dailymotion

The first thing you have to know about drug testing is that technology has greatly advanced. Putting salt in your urine sample to try to pass the test will be detected. You need to prepare your body as much as possible by stopping your drug use as soon as you find out that you need to take a drug test. If there is no time for you to flush traces of drugs from your body, there are some techniques you can try to beat the system. And above all, know your rights. This will help you out of a tight spot. With every day that goes by between the last time you used drugs and the date of the test, your chances of passing the test increase. No matter what type of drug you have been using, you are much better off stopping well in advance of the test rather than trying to beat the test.
If the drug test is administered by your employer, you should get fair warning in advance of the test. Pay close attention to your company's policies so you can prepare for the test. If you are being tested because you are on probation, your tests should be on a set schedule. Do not let the test date sneak up on you.It is not always possible to prepare for a test. If you get pulled over and the police suspect drug use, you might have to take a test right there. A test with no notice is very difficult to pass. But there are still things you can do to give yourself a good chance.

1. Type of Test
There are four types of drug tests. They are urine tests, blood tests, saliva tests and hair tests. There are five categories of drugs that the normal test tests for. they are amphetamines (speed, meth, crank, ecstasy), cannabinoids (marijuana, hash), cocaine (coke, crack), opiates (heroin, morphine, opium, codeine), and phencyclidine or PCP. Knowing the differences between the tests can be helpful when it comes to your situation.

Urine tests are the most common type of tests that are administered. They are the easiest tests to tamper with. You normally have a small window of privacy provided you are not being watched.

Blood tests are usually administered if you get pulled over and drug use is suspected. This type of test is extremely difficult to pass if you have recently used drugs.

Saliva tests are sometimes given in place of either urine or blood tests because they are less invasive. They are somewhat less sensitive than blood tests.

Hair tests are very difficult to fake. Normally, 120 strands of hair are tested in a laboratory to see if they contain traces of any drugs. It takes about 2 weeks for a section of hair long enough to test to grow. A hair test cannot tell if you have used drugs in the past 2 weeks. But traces of drugs can stay in your hair for up to 90 day. A hair test is an effective way to see if you are a regular drug user.

Try to figure out how much of a drug is in your system. The method you choose to pass a drug test depends in part on how much of the drug you think is still in your system. If you are just a casual user of marijuana, the drug might not be detectable after a couple of days. Heavy use of marijuana is detectable even after 15 to 30 days.

End of Part 1 Check out Part 2 for more!

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