
Crab mistakes sunbathing woman’s vagina for oyster, then attacks

2017-06-07 283 Dailymotion

SINGAPORE — In an extremely painful case of mistaken identity, a sunbathing woman found out that getting a full-body tan can come at a cost, when crabs are on the prowl.

The woman, 28, and two of her friends reportedly went to Changi Beach and stripped down, an illegal act in Singapore. The beach was deserted at the time, so they saw no harm done, but little did they know crustaceans with an appetite for oysters had other plans.

Oysters are part of a crab’s regular diet, and a marine biologist interviewed by The Sunday Register explains the appearance and smell of a woman’s vagina are similar to that of molluscs, which makes distinguishing between the two tricky for unknowing crabs.

After sunbathing peacefully for 15 minutes, screams woke the woman’s friends, who looked over to see the crab dangling from her region where the sun don’t shine. Thinking the crab’s pincers may have been poisonous, her friends removed the crab and took turns trying to suck any venom out of her. A crab’s pincers are not venomous, but experts say they can produce an allergic reaction if a human is bitten in sensitive areas.

Though the gash was deep, the woman is expected to make a full recovery, with minimal scarring.