
Overwatch 000-DVA-000-019 D.Va Highlight Reel 36-37 and Example of the Bad Loot Boxes

2017-06-04 8 Dailymotion

Both highlights were game deciding. The one with Zarya - I had to hold that area for over a minute just prior to the point where I used my boom boom. Zarya and that other gal (Pharah? sorry I don't do well with names, guess that makes me a bad player ;) ) anyway, they were tearing us apart. After nailing them both we won in very short order. I was on the objective for 9 min, man was that a tough but fun game. Great players on both sides.

As far as the loot box - this is further proof the anniversary event sucks. This is what I've been getting almost every single box. OW blew it. they could've done a special anniversary unlock for a new map or something, but no... they did shitty loot boxes with shitty drops.