
Andrew Scheer - Self Protection Laws

2017-05-29 13 Dailymotion

Conservative MP Andrew Scheer has scored a major upset in the federal leadership race, beating out front-runner Maxime Bernier to take the helm of the party.

Mr. Scheer won on the 13th ballot with 51 per cent of the available points to Mr. Bernier’s 49 per cent. Mr. Bernier, a Quebec MP, had led all 12 ballots to that point, but Mr. Scheer benefited from a final push when Erin O’Toole’s support was redistributed to the last two contenders. The final results were unveiled at 8:13 p.m. at the Congress Centre in Toronto, about two hours after the first-round results came out. More than 140,000 votes were cast.

'Harper 2.0': Andrew Scheer a sensible pick for Conservative party, political scientist says
Saskatchewan MP Andrew Scheer was elected leader Saturday night

Saskatchewan Conservative MP Andrew Scheer edged out Maxime Bernier as the party's newly elected leader because he was the safer pick, an Alberta political scientist suggests.

"I think if they had chosen Maxime Bernier, it would have been a very radical choice given some of his policies," said Duane Bratt, a political scientist at Mount Royal University in Calgary.

"I think Andrew Scheer is a consensus pick and I think the description of him as 'Harper 2.0' or 'Harper with a smile' ... is reflective of that."


Canadians Right to self defense

The Right To Keep And Bear Arms In Canada

Canadians regularly hear some media pundit or columnist informing them that no right to keep and bear arms exists in Canada, and those who refer to such a right have been watching too much American television. Similar opinions are often voiced by some politicians - such as Allan Rock, former Justice Minister of Canada, who apparently was not paying attention during his Constitutional Law classes while at university.

Regrettably, it appears to be more a case of an uninformed and ignorant media and select public figures than an accurate observation regarding the right to keep and bear arms in Canada. The right to keep and bear arms is an inherent right that stems from the English Bill of Rights - not from the U.S. Bill of Rights ratified over a hundred years later and whose Framers merely included an existing right they had held at the time they were still English subjects. The discussion of whether this and other rights such as the right to freedom of religion exist because of an act of government (which can by inference also remove them) or because certain rights are inherently the property of every human being simply through the fact we exist is another discussion that will not be addressed here.

This paper simply addresses the origin of the right to keep and bear arms - a right recognized by government at the same time and in the same document that other rights held by Canadians were recognized which exist today without question or attack as the right to keep and bear arms does. It also details how that right came to exist in Canada.


Gun control is people control

Today on the 17th of April 2013, we saw our Senators stand up and follow the will and want of the majority of our population. They voted against every single Amendment to the gun control bill, and hopefully when the final bill reaches the floor for the vote, it is shot down as well.

The whole issue behind this new interest by the left about gun control boils down to not the guns, but controlling the people. We already have plenty of illegal laws that ban all sorts of guns and ammo despite the 2nd Amendment not placing any limitation on which arms the citizens can keep and bear. If the left had their way, the only legal gun would be BB/pellet guns and .22 pistols limited to one shot, no clips/magazines.


Court Challenge Program

The Court Challenges Program of Canada (CCP) is a non-profit organization whose stated purpose is "to provide financial assistance for important court cases that advance language and equality rights guaranteed under Canada's Constitution".

Its history can be traced to 1978, when the federal government of Canada began providing assistance for minority language cases. The government of Brian Mulroney created an expanded Court Challenges Program in 1985, after the equality section of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms became law.[1] However, the Mulroney government later withdrew financial support for the program in 1992.[2]