
Passenger tries to bite AA flight attendant, jumps off plane that just left the gate - TomoNews

2017-05-29 39 Dailymotion

CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA — An American Airlines passenger allegedly tried to bite a flight attendant and then jumped off a plane after it left the gate at Charlotte Douglas International Airport last Thursday.

Flight 5242 had just pulled away from the gate and the seat belt was on when Tun Lon Sein, 22, got out of his seat and tried to open the main door, according to a federal air marshal’s affidavit.

A flight attendant and two passengers then got up to stop Sein, according to SF Gate.

Sien “tried to bite” the flight attendant and then went looking for another door to get off the plane, the affidavit said.

Sien found a door in the galley and managed to open it, authorities said. He then jumped from the CRJ-200 jet.

The passenger then ran towards the taxiway before being intercepted by two airport workers.

He was booked into federal lockup shortly before midnight. According to the affidavit, Sien was halfway through a trip that started overseas and spoke little or no English.