
To Catch a Predator - Cody Green Omegle - BasedShaman

2017-05-27 20 Dailymotion

To Catch a Predator was a show that aired on Dateline NBC which featured Chris Hansen confronting men who tried to meet kids online. Join BasedShaman as we learn about To Catch a Predator and the men who were caught on it. The most famous man to be featured on To Catch a Predator was Lorne Armstrong, who became the subject of The Church of Cawd. Once Lorne Armstrong showed up at the sting house in Bowling Green Kentucky during the To Catch a Predator investigation, his life would never be the same again. The TCAP community was born and will live on forever.

BasedShaman has read many To Catch a Predator Chat Logs and analyzed them as well. This chat log analyzation covers well known TCAP legends like Lorne Armstrong, Jeff Stacy, Dustin McPhetridge and Cody Green. The To Catch a Predator chatlogs are humorous at times when you see how ridiculous many of the TCAP legends really were.

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