Your 8th house of regeneration became power last May 20th and remains powerful till 21st of this month. Since your Libido remains high it’s important to be careful of your health so that you may not over do things. Listen to your body when it prompts that enough is enough.
This 8th house also deals with all of your important interests like personal transformation reinvention death and resurrection. This is a great month to pursue those interests and you will experience much success. Good time get rid of effete and useless material in our life.
Time to detox or de-clutter your space. Renew yourself through elimination of outmoded emotional patterns in life. Remember nature which grows by pruning and cutting. The 9th house of expansion comes after the elimination done in the 8th house.
Great month for tax and estate planning if you are in that appropriate stage and age.
Good time for negotiating credit or refinancing debit. Making good money for other people will in the bargain make you rich and bring in your prosperity.
Health remains good all month and gets even better after the 21st. There is only one planet which is in stressful alignment which is Mercury until the 6th and Venus after the 6th. If you feel under the weather then chances are that you are not eating right.
On the 6th Venus moves into 7th house making nice aspects to the ruler of your horoscope Pluto. Love remains happy and you will experience harmony with those who matter. Singles will have romantic opportunities for you are in the mood to partner now.
Mars your health planet spends most of the time out of bounds thus your work takes you out of bounds and out of your normal sphere. For job seekers you need to also seek opportunities that take you away from your comfort zone they will prove beneficial.
Looking for a personal consultation?
Please contact me on [email protected] with your date, time and place of birth.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat