
Unboxing: Loot Crate - June 2016

2017-05-02 1 Dailymotion

Welcome back to another ComicBastards.com Loot Crate unboxing video! This time we have June's Dystopian Future box along with the LvLUp addition. Finally, the stars aligned and we were able to make just one video for you viewing pleasure. Watch before reading the rest or it won't make sense. I'll be straight up with you all, this month's box sucked. So did the LvLUp bag that I usually enjoy. There was one good pair of socks. The Star Trek ones turned out to be for women which is cool for them, but not for me and my big ass feet. The shirts were... not good. The Ghostbuster one sucked and is way too thick. The District 9 one is fine, but it really seems obscure like they were just looking for something and the Robocop one is cool, but I'm already getting annoying comments about it being from Loot Crate. Meaning I'm going to rarely wear it if ever.

Oh and the Matrix Puzzle... no one wanted that. Couldn't give it away unlike Loot Crate who did.