

2017-04-22 9 Dailymotion

The flower we commonly call the baby’s breath is better known as the Gypsophila family. While you likely know the bright white variety best, there are pink and faintly yellow types too. The name is derived from the fact that all the flowers in this family thrive on soil high in gypsum, a mineral that makes the soil too thick and heavy for many other types of plants.Most people know the baby’s breath flower as the iconic symbol of long lasting love because it’s commonly used to round out wedding bouquets and centerpieces. The tiny white flowers represent the purity of emotion that two people should have for each other during a wedding ceremony. Aside from marriage connotations, the baby’s breath is also tied to babies in an obvious way. It’s traditional to give new mothers floral arrangements featuring at least one or two sprigs of this plant. Self discipline and fidelity is a modern meaning for this classic flower.