
ISIS or FSA or Some Hypocritical So Called "MUSLIM" Vs A True MUSLIMA Wise Old Lady

2017-04-19 13 Dailymotion

ISIS or FSA or Some Hypocritical So Called "MUSLIM" Vs A True MUSLIMA Wise Old Lady - An Intellectual Confrontation

Wise Lady: O you devils turn back to GOD
ISIS: O grandmother what do you mean?
Wise Lady: turn back to GOD
ISIS: But everything is good between us right?
Wise Lady: Do not slaughter anyone and nobody will not slaughter you
ISIS: The one that slaughters children I want him
Wise Lady: Let it rest and what about all those you killed and the Kurd that you slaughtered? It’s all forbidden! I swear nothing what you have done was in the way of GOD. And Imam Al Nawawi you have cursed him and Al Di’bi you have cursed him. Turn back to GOD. No one of you will win anything, not you or Bashar. It’s all shit (making us go backward) none of you is good. You’re not (good) neither is he.
ISIS: Grandmother we don’t have any free time go away
Wise Lady: Neither of you will win, nor will anybody you only will keep killing each other like donkeys. Go back to the way of GOD o grandchild [ISIS LAUGHING] Go back to the way of God
ISIS [or another man]: He says he prayed istighara and he clapped as the ruling will fall. Ask him did it fall?
Wise Lady: God will not stop the regime nor will He make you successful. All are the same
ISIS: O granny is a poet
Wise Lady: Your state (ISIS) is cursed. [Quotes Quran]: “There is no good in most of their secret counsels except (in his) who enjoins charity or goodness or reconciliation between people” (4:114)
“And if two parties of the believers quarrel, make peace between them; but if one of them acts wrongfully towards the other fight that which acts wrongfully until it returns to Allah’s command; then if it returns, make peace between them with justice and act equitably; surely Allah loves those who act equitably. ” (49:9)
“The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear ALLAH that you may receive mercy.” (49:10)
There are 50 women here that are Shia and married. Is this the same as marrying a bear and then holding up with a stick? (Saying) Turn back to God, fear God! [ISIS LAUGHING] Turn back to God, Fear God! You don’t want this slaughtering nor do you want this murder
ISIS: We have come to you with slaughter ! (ISIS Slogan)
Wise Lady: The Zionists attack them
“And prepare against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier to frighten thereby the enemy of Allah and your enemy” (8:60)
At the war of Zaran mothers were hiding their children and they did not want them to fight but now when you got money from America and weapons of America you want to kill each other. They are happy with killing each other
ISIS: What you said was correct grandmother
Wise Lady: Turn back to God
ISIS: We are now going
Wise Lady: Turn back o grandchild
“And certainly We did destroy generations before you when they were unjust and their messengers had come to them with clear arguments and they would not believe; thus do We recompense the guilty people.” (10:13)
“Then we made you successors in the land after them so that We may see how you act.” (10:14)
God is watching what you are doing
“ Indeed those who deny our verses and are arrogant toward them, the gates of Heaven will not be opened for them, nor will they enter paradise until a camel enters into the eye of a needle. And thus do We recompense the criminals.” (7:40)
“They shall have a bed of hell-fire and from above them coverings (of it); thus do We reward the unjust.” (7:41)
Turn o my grandchild to God….

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