
The Timothy Leary Mind Set (Draft version)

2017-04-18 3 Dailymotion

The Timothy Leary Mind Set Primer (v.2009) By Citizen Zen (a.k.a., Magic Mirrors Productions)

The Mind of a Legend
Not unlike the principled Greek philosopher Socrates, who pared his own infamous teachings down to the simply instruction, "Know thyself!",
Dr. Timothy Leary was also once regarded as "the most dangerous man alive" by the establishment of his time.

Perhaps deservedly so (from the establishment'™s point of view), as the most relevant freethinker of our day, Dr. Timothy Leary summed up his philosophy with the equally simple and powerful incitement,

"œQuestion Authority & Think for Yourself".

The Timothy Leary Mind-Set Primer is intended as an introduction to audiences young and old that may never have heard of Timothy Leary. (For those who have, there is a good chance that there is a lot more to know!)

Composed from collected audio fragments, photos, video, & texts all sourced from the vast array of materials found on the web, "The Timothy Leary Mind-Set Primer" weaves a loose but fitting audio-visual tapestry of Dr. Timothy Leary and some of his concepts over several decades.

This TLMSP "Upload Draft v.01" represents the first public presentation of this material as modified, re-edited, and organized in this composition.

Questions, comments, invited as are any Timothy Leary related materials for my growing archive.

Audio & Video Segment Credits (In order of appearance):

“The message is very simple…Think for yourself and question authority!” - circa 1980
from Timothy Leary

Timothy Leary’s Last Trip - 1997
from the movie trailer

Tales of the Tribe - 1996 (narrated by Allen Ginsburg)
from CD Beyond Life with Timothy Leary

“Turn on, tune in, drop out!” - circa 1966
from Timothy Leary

“LSD is a sacrament…” - circa 1966
from Timothy Leary

“I’m Five Years Ahead of my Time”, The Third Bardo - 1967
from “Nuggets” Compilation

“Pursuit of Pleasure”, NBC broadcast interview - 1967
from Timothy Leary

“Shape of Things to Come”, Max Frost & the Troopers - 1968
from the movie “Wild in the Streets”

“LSD is the most powerful substance...ever developed...“ - 1973
from At Folsom Prison with Dr. Timothy Leary

“Who controls the media, programs your brain!” - 1993
from Timothy Leary

“Any Reality is an Opinion” - Undated mix
from Timothy Leary

“...up popped this New Spirit…” - circa 1980
from Timothy Leary

“Song for our Fathers”, Explosions in the Sky - 2000
from How Strange, Innocence

“Doctor... are you now under the influence of LSD?” - circa 1966
from Timothy Leary

“Legend of a Mind”, Moody Blues - 1973
from CD Beyond Life with Timothy Leary

“Timothy Leary Lives!”, The Pop-O-Pies - 1982
from the White EP

“Is That Too Far Out?” & “No Regrets”, Tim Leary & Simon Stokes - 1996
from PsychoRelic Records CD “Right to Fly”