
বৈশাখ নিয়ে বিদেশি গোয়েন্দাদের পরিকল্পনা না দেখলে চরম মিস করবেন

2017-04-14 14 Dailymotion

Boishakh (Bengali: বৈশাখ Bôishakh) is the first month in the Bengali Calendar.[1]

The name of the month is derived from the position of the Sun near the star Bishakha (বিশাখা).[2] The first day of Boishakh is celebrated as the Pôhela Bôishakh or Bengali New Year's Day. The day is observed with cultural programs, festivals and carnivals all around the country. The day of is also the beginning of all business activities in Bangladesh and neighboring Indian state of West Bengal and Tripura. The traders starts new fiscal account book called হালখাতা Halkhata.[3][4] The accounting in the Halkhata begins only after this day. It is celebrated with sweets and gifts with customers.[3]