

2017-04-08 20 Dailymotion

Joey Bada$$ All Amerikkkan Bada$$ seem's to be one of the most cohesive focused albums of 2017 thus far. Joey tackles many sociopolitical issues that have been riveting our culture. But he doesn't seem to approach these issues like most other rappers. Instead of taking the standard aggressive braggadocios approach, he handles these delicate subjects in a very methodical, calm and even soulful manner, which is refreshing because Joey is also known to have aggressive rapping tendencies. Extremely impressed with 'Land Of The Free' music video. To be 22 years old creating such a thoughtful video is impressive. There's quite a bit of potentially complex symbolism that created a great discussion from us. All American Bada$$ starts off with a more poppy radio friendly sound as it transitions to hit it's apex on 'Rockabye Baby' and 'Ring The Alarm' as it builds back down to close the album on an extremely thoughtful conscious track of 'Amerikkkan Idol'. We're both very impressed with this album as a cohesive focused body of work that doesn't deviate from it's message. It stays true to it's intentions, respect to Joey for having the discipline to do that. Not many do nowdays.


Jungle Beats aspires to be Australia’s plug to the best most prolific and unique hiphop artists in the world. @AlexanderMann & @AlexSandalis host one of Melbourne’s few, and best HipHop shows. Jungle Beats is purely about creatively sharing our love for music and hiphop with energy, positivity and passion. We started this in 2015 with a weekly 1 hour hiphop show on a radio station in Melbourne. In August 2016 we decided to create Jungle Beats. To us, Australia doesn't have a strong hiphop identity within culture. Who do you think of when you think hiphop in Australia? Most think of 99 people OUTSIDE of this country. Maybe we can change that in some small way and push it forward. Jungle Beats is not what either of us focus the majority of our time on. Working on Jungle Beats Radio is side hustle of ours, so it’s not going to be perfect. It’s gonna be messy, haphazard and we’re gonna fuck up. But that’s music and we love it. Thank you for supporting us. You can follow us here and support us on Patreon if you choose:

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