
image to text conversion/notepad conversion, Proof Reading, QC services, QC Software

2017-04-06 16 Dailymotion

we can convert jpg, png, gif, tiff, BMP image to notepad, text, ms word, form filling, excel, HTML tagging conversion, typing services

web: https://razdataservice.blogspot.in/p/image-to-notepad-converison.html
Video: http://dai.ly/x5hgxu0

Earlier data used to be maintained in books or paper files using pen and manpower.
This data had to be stored efficiently which required massive space and was very difficult to manage and move.
Moreover, searching some information from among these large numbers of files was extremely time-consuming and cumbersome.
That's why we can convert any type of images like jpg, png, gif, tiff, BMP image to notepad conversion and text, ms word, form filling, excel, HTML tagging conversion, typing services using software or tool.

Our Conversion will be exactly like manual typing. Nobody can prove that conversion is done. We also provide QC reports if needed.
We also provide Automated HTML Tagging Service for your files.

Apart from just image to notepad conversion, we also undertake Form Filling
Automated Form Filling is one of our regular services for how looking for an image to notepad conversion, or image to excel conversion.

As we have well-experienced team members who are specialized particularly in this field of data conversions since 6 years, we are proud to say that we can automate any of your Business Processes on the go with the maximum possible accuracy in the industry. Below are few processes which we have automated using our customized software.

please contact:
Mr. Jai Raj
Mobile: +917674858953
Email: [email protected]