
Rebound - Tangent Fire Bouncing Between Walls - (ShellShock Live)

2017-03-28 18 Dailymotion

In this ShellShock Live Gameplay video we experience something awesome! A Tangent Fire weapons that i used to shoot in Rebound was just bouncing between both of the side walls and would not end! We also do some 4v4 400Hp deathmatch round which went great! So much damage in this video!

Last Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLHjvqZ-oN4

Check out the other Gameplay Videos in this Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnmEddzUg75pajXDORXjT43qcqyNjxTlI

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Hope You Enjoyed This Video And Thanks for Watching!

I know the video isn't the best Quality. Always looking forward to try and improve my quality. Looking into a game capture card and a new computer so i can make it 60fps and higher quality.

This ShellShock Live Gameplay video is Number 107