
Peter King defends Devin Nunes, says this had NOTHING to do with any investigation

2017-03-25 12 Dailymotion

Peter King explains that he fully supports Nunes decision to go to the president with the information he was shown on Wednesday, saying the president had a right to know and that it had nothing to do with Russia or any criminal investigation

Many are angry that Nunes went to Trump because they believe it was inappropriate considering the investigation by the intelligence committee into Russian activities. But King makes clear that is not the case at all, that much of what was in these intelligence reports was gossip and smalltalk and had nothing to do with Russia or any criminal investigation.

Further, King states that he believes Nunes had no choice but to go to the president considering these activities occurred in the intelligence community.

Now look, I’m not and never will be a fan of King, especially after the way he went after Cruz in 2015. But I don’t think he’s lying here just to cover for Nunes.

So while you may disagree with Nunes not going to the committee first, it doesn’t sound like he violated any rules or ethical issues by taking this information the the president, since it had nothing to do with any ongoing investigation.