
Charlie Sheen Knows Who Else Is HIV-Positive In Hollywood

2017-03-22 47 Dailymotion

Charlie Sheen recently sat down with “The Kyle and Jackie O Show” and discussed his decision to go public with his HIV diagnosis in 2015. When the hosts dug a little deeper it appears they may have found some hidden Hollywood secrets.

When asked if there might be other stars in Hollywood who aren’t quite as brave. Sheen replied, “There are, and I know who they are, but I will take that to my grave.”

Hollywood is famous for it’s long list of rumors, secrets, lies and tales, but this one’s coming straight from the horse’s mouth! If anybody should know, we think it would be Charlie and we guess we shouldn’t be surprised. But this does kind of confirm our suspicions.

Charlie then praised the miracle drug he is taking, PRO-140, for keeping him safer than most people in the dating pool.

Another secret! Which, we didn’t really have to hear…