
Lucas Hedges Discusses Those Casey Affleck Allegations

2017-03-14 1 Dailymotion

[SOT: Congratulations on the nomination. Well deserved. My favorite film of the year.]

There’s Manchester By the Sea star Lucas Hedges outside of LAX giving us the scoop on some of the things to come.

[SOT: People are knocking down your door I bet.
Yeah, just continue to do cool projects and more theatre. I just finished a play and I love doing theatre.
Would you rather be on stage or in front of a camera?
Uh, hopefully both I don’t have a preference.]

Lucas was pretty open and didn’t mind chatting us up, but there was one question we just had to ask.

[SOT: I gotta ask. One last question. Casey Affleck won the Oscar, right, and he was unbelievable in it, but he was getting a lot of slack for the accusations made against him but they feel he didn’t deserve the Oscar, that they shouldn’t be giving somebody accused of certain things the Oscar, just wanted your opinion on that.
I try to stay away from reading all those things. Casey’s been just the sweetest, most amazing man to me and that’s who he always will be to me, I think the world of him, and also everything he’s ever done for me is amazing.
Fair enough, well done, unbelievable film and I think you’re at the beginning of big things. Thank you so much.]