The western sector of your chart has been dominant since last month precisely from 7th February onward and remains strong for a couple of more months. This indicates that you need to start focusing on others more than yourself. Cultivate your networking and social skills. How well you get along with others is what matters the most.
This should be a happy period but in case you feel this is not the case then you could make your changes after five months when planets start moving back to the eastern sector. Things get done by consensus now and not by direct action.
You are still in your personal pleasure peak until the 20th so make the maximum and enjoy the fun with family and friends.
Your 6th house of health and work is very strong this month, so no point in being overly cautious about it. Focus your energies more on work, small aches and pains will go away in their own time sooner or later. Good time to deal with boring detailed. Such as filling taxes or keeping ledger books up to date. Job seekers have good fortune this month especially from the 20th onward.
Good time for employers too. Your health planet Mars, moves into you r7th house on the 10th and spends the rest of the month there. Thus love becomes an issue this month, your emotional health can suffer due to disharmony in mind body and soul. Its important to restore harmony as fast as you can get your communication lines in order.
Actually, you should be mentally prepared for love being complacent or not very exciting as your love planet Venus goes retrograde on the 4th Until April 15. Hence a current relationship needs to reviewed, introspect, but do not take decisions impulsively or in a haste. You could fall a victim to power struggles and all romantic feelings can get killed. Avoid being too critical for it can mar all kinds of relationships.
Looking for a personal consultation?
Please contact me on [email protected] with your date, time and place of birth.
God Bless
Dolly Manghat