
WATCH: Greg Gutfeld explains why Trump tweeted about wiretapping the way he did…

2017-03-07 4 Dailymotion

The Five has been a lot of yelly-face today, especially when it comes to the Beckel-Bolling ‘Odd Couple’.

But Gutfeld weighed in with this thoughts on why Trump tweeted about wiretapping in the first place.

I think Gutfeld is probably closer to being more right than he is wrong.

I suspect Trump was very frustrated with the attack on Sessions and also likely wanted to get the story out there and it culminated in a 5am tweet that pretty much stole the weekend.

Honestly though, the tweet should have never even happened in the first place – at least not the way it did.

It’s as if Trump forgets that he’s the most powerful man in the world who can summon resources to investigate and get to the bottom of what looks like some form of surveillance during the campaign.

Seriously, it’s absolutely not presidential for him to tweet accusations like this based on media reports. And despite how the media has been under constant Trump hysteria this year, it’s still no excuse for him not to handle things in a more professional manner.

He could have put this out there in a much more organized and careful way, letting people know he’s investigating media reports that his campaign was put under surveillance during the election.

If Trump were a puppy he’d deserve a smack on the head with a newspaper. It’s going to be a long four years if he keeps this up.

While the media and the left is to blame for most of the hysteria this year, they aren’t to blame for everything.