
Satanists Invoke Spirits with Cat Blood and Goat Sacrifices (Graphic)

2017-03-06 22 Dailymotion

The hairs on your arms stand on end when you realize that something wicked this way comes. This is the 'Black Mass' ceremony, held once a year below a full moon in Catemaco, Mexico, where worshippers carry out a series of satanic rituals to call forth the devil. Worshippers of Lucifer invoked the devil himself by sacrificing a goat, spilliing its blood into bowls, mixing it with alcohol, and drinking the evil concoction in front of a dark alter.

Held on the first Friday of March, and preserving an ancient tradition of the Olmec people, the event is dedicated to fertility and the invocation of energies for healing and restoration. Blood onbtained from the sacrificed animal is believed to provide the "purest" form of energy since it is pumped from a still-beating heart.

The satanic Black Mass event has been held in Catemaco every year without fail for the past half century.