
How To Flush Out Gallstones : Gallbladder And Gallstones

2017-03-07 3 Dailymotion


The presence of gallstones is quite common, especially when we get older. Gallstones are accumulated in the gallbladder over time. The gallbladder is the funny-looking "pouch-like" organ connected to the liver on one side, and the small intestine on the other end. You can refer to the picture on the right to see the positioning of the gallbladder. .

The gallbladder stores bile, a greenish-yellowish substance, which is released into the duodenum as and when required to digest fat. Over time the cholesterol contained in the bile will accumulate into small chunks. These are gallstones. Normally, these small stones will be able to squeeze through the duct into the small intestine; then no problem.

When they have difficulty discharging into the small intestine, then we got a severely painful problem and we need to flush out the gallstones.

How to flush out gallstones : Simple gallbladder cleanse

It is said that no doctor will tell you this. You don't need painful and expensive surgery to remove the gallstones.

It is very fortunate that the internet has helped to disseminate this very useful information of home remedy to flush out gallstones without surgery. Many of my friends and relatives have benefitted from this simple procedure. One nephew of mine was on the verge of surgery, but did this gallbladder cleanse, and all the stones came out!! No more surgery!!

There are a few variations of the method. Below, I share with you two of them. The first is the 6-day procedure. The second is the 1-day method. Take your pick. If you find this to be beneficial, please recommend others to visit this hub.
