
Foods to Promote Prostate Health

2017-02-25 17 Dailymotion


Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the male reproductive system and unfortunately spreads slowly. For the latter reason, many men don't recognize the development of prostate cancer until its too late. Besides consulting with your doctor and scheduling regular prostate exams, there are a number of nutrients in the foods that we eat that may help prevent and even treat issues in the prostate.

Incorporate some, or all of these foods into your diet to keep your prostate health in check.

1. Brazil Nuts

These large and delicious nuts are good for prostate health because they are rich in a nutrient called selenium, which has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Just one ounce of Brazil nuts contains almost ten times the recommended daily value for selenium in your diet, which bodes very well for the state of your prostate. The nuts are also a good source of zinc, which is another mineral essential to prostate health, and amino acids which are a great source of protein.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous family, a family of vegetables shared with cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale. Cruciferous vegetables contain high amounts of sulforaphane and indoles, which are plant-based nutrients that have remarkable anti-cancer and cleansing properties. In scientific trials, it was found that eating broccoli more than once a week could reduce the probability of contracting the later (and more serious) stages of prostate cancer by nearly 45 percent. The healthiest way to consume broccoli (to maximize its nutrient content) is to steam or sauté the broccoli for about 5 minutes (and no more).

3. Cayenne

The cayenne pepper is known for being hot and spicy, but it is also an excellent source of prostate healthy nutrients. The cayenne pepper is spicy due to a high concentration of a substance called capsaicin, which is renowned for its ability to reduce pain, but also helps kill off cancer cells. In studies, capsaicin has demonstrated an ability to cause cancer cells to 'commit suicide', by attacking the energy-making portion of the cell (the mitochondria). Capsaicin is also known for its cardiovascular benefits (it's a strong antioxidant), as a preventative treatment for stomach ulcers, and as a great regulator of blood sugar levels.

4. Green Tea

This superfood is noted for its numerous health benefits, one of them being the ability to fight off several forms of cancer, including prostate cancer. Green tea contains compounds called catechins, the most important of them being EGCG which notably lowers the levels of dangerous biomarkers attributed to cancer.
