
Roller Coaster Cave Depths • AnGuuh Play • Oculus Games • Gear VR Gameplay • VIRTUAL REALITY

2017-02-08 1 Dailymotion

VR Roller Coaster - Cave Depths : https://goo.gl/eyzKSU

Experimente o passeio de montanha-russa louco em Cave Depths.
Esta montanha-russa 3D vai explodir sua mente com um ambiente emocionante com mais de 2 minutos de viagem. Temos parte interativa na experiência, onde o usuário está escolhendo a direção para onde ir com o movimento da cabeça.

Experience the crazy Roller Coaster ride in Cave Depths.
This 3D roller coaster will blow your mind with an exciting environment with more than 2 min ride. We have interactive part in the experience, where user is choosing the direction where to go with head movement.

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•Canal Secundario: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmePqPeEY37lQM8myLXx0_w

•Pagina do Canal: https://www.facebook.com/AnGuuhPlayVR

•Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wanderson.souza.1466

•Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/AnGuuh_DroiD?... √

----------------CANAL PARCEIRO----------------

•Danger97: https://www.youtube.com/user/claudson75

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