
Encourage-Mint ... Are you treating the symptoms or the cause of them?

2017-02-05 2 Dailymotion

Encourage-Mint ... click play to freshen your day.

Are you treating the symptoms or the cause of them?

We often go through our lives dealing with the symptoms that are caused by a root problem. We come up with ways to live with the symptoms until we accept them as a part of our life. They take our time and energy. Symptoms might include things like ... Always being late wherever we go, Being upset when colleagues succeed in their career. Being short with people. We need to get rid of such symptoms by finding the root of them and dealing with them.

If you find and fix the root, you stop the symptoms.

#EncourageMint #Encouragement #EricThomas #LesBrown #TonyRobbins #ZigZiglar #WayneDyer #JimRohn #BobProctor #SeanCroxton #symptoms #rootproblem