
Encourage-Mint. Don’t accept the circumstances you’ve been given, rather, use them as a starting line

2017-02-02 2 Dailymotion

Encourage-Mint ... click play to freshen your day.

Don’t accept the circumstances you’ve been given, rather, use them as a starting line to create your own circumstances.

We've been dealt a specific hand in life putting us on a pre-determined road that may be filled with inadequacies in learning or other physical and mental challenges. If we accept these circumstances given to us, by remaining on this predetermined road of limitations, we won't realize our dreams and passions. Turn 90 degrees from your road of circumstance, kneel on one knee and use the edge of that road as your starting line. Blaze your trail.

#encouragement #Blazeyourtrail #dontacceptyourcircumstances #startinglinetoyourlife