
Heroes of Skyrealm Gameplay Trailer IOS / Android

2017-01-27 2 Dailymotion

Heroes of Skyrealm by Mechanist Games (IOS/Android)\r
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Heroes of Skyrealm is a 3D, character-focused mobile action RPG. As the leader of a rebellious band of heroes, players take command of a city in the sky, a vast and upgradeable airship that also serves as the main interface between battles.\r
But the real key to Heroes of Skyrealm is combat – and with responsive controls and smart companion AI, leading a 3-hero team into battle is easy and compelling. A meaty single-player campaign leads into massive, real-time 3-player co-op challenges and a wide range of PvP modes – including several that put user-generated content front and center.\r
With a strong cast of over 30 playable characters drawn from ten distinct nations, every hero illuminates a different corner of Skyrealm. While combat and idle animations illuminate their personalities, unlockable comic vignettes delve deeper into this bright and vibrant world. Though gameplay is the core of Heroes of Skyrealm, characters are at its heart.\r
For players that like to tinker with builds and tactics, taking new heroes into battle and discovering new synergies is half the fun. But even if players focus on their favorite trio, characters can be garrisoned in airship structures to grant bonuses, making roster expansion critical for every playstyle.\r
App Store: Coming soon\r
Play Store: Coming soon