
PLAY DOH Glittering gowns Disney Princesses playdoh dresses

2017-01-26 1 Dailymotion

Welcome to MsDisneyReviews A toy channel for YOU ! :)\r
Learn to create Amazing Sparkly PlayDoh Dresses!\r
Check my collection of dolls including: Cinderella, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Disney Frozen Fever Elsa and Anna, Snow White,Rapunzel from Tangled and Ariel from The Little Mermaid, \r
I have created play dough dresses using Sparkle playdoh, Play-doh Plus and Dohvinci.\r
MsDisneyReviews PLAY DOH Playlist:\r
Play Doh also called; Plastilin,plastilina, pasta de modelar, Plastiline, Plasticina, Massa de modelar, Massinhas de modelar, プラスティシーン, 粘土,\r
O Reino do Gelo Die Eiskönigin Völlig unverfroren La Reine des neiges Il regno di ghiaccio アナと雪の女王 Холодное сердце 冰雪奇缘 Frozen Uma Aventura Congelante\r
Disney Princess translations:\r
principessa, Disney πριγκίπισσες, Vorstin, koningsdochter,Fürstin, πριγκίπισσα, księżniczka,принцесса.\r
Royalty Free Music Credit:\r
Title : Mr. Pink\r
Artists: Topher Mohr and Alex Elena\r