A very good period to start new projects launching new ventures or products now. Up to February 6th is the optimal time: the Moon will be waxing and all the planets are moving forward. On the 6th, your financial planet, Jupiter starts to go into retrograde motion, so start before that.
There are two eclipses this month so basically in a happy period. On the 18th you enter one of your yearly personal pleasures peaks. So although there is much change and upheaval going on, you will still manage to enjoy yourself.
The Lunar eclipse of the 11th (on the 10th in America) has a strong effect on you, so take it easy during this period. You don’t need to be involved in daredevil stunts or break any athletic records. This eclipse occurs in your 10th house of career and signals career
changes. These changes can take any forms. Be prepared for shakeups in your company or industry that you are working in.
During such shake ups some of you could also be contemplating a job change or change completely your career path. Since the Moon the eclipsed planet rules your 9th house, foreign travels is best avoided this period. In case you have to then work around the eclipse dates. Students or those in the education field could be changing their streams.
The solar eclipse of the 26th does not affect you as strongly actually it makes harmonious aspects to you. Reduce your schedule and work load anyway by taking intermittent rest periods.
People around you may be affected by the eclipses so a patient approach is required with them. The eclipse occurs in your 5th house and impacts on children or children figures. There could be dramas in their life, so make sure they remain out of harm’s way. Speculations are best avoided.
Dream life could be hyperactive this period but do not pay much attention or be overly disturbed as the astral plane is also undergoing heavy changes. Every Solar eclipse affects the career and working industry. More or less you will feel the same changes as during the lunar eclipse of 11th. Because Neptune is directly involved in this eclipse there can be scandals or unpleasant revelations in your company or industry.
Finances are good this month - especially until the 18th. Try to wrap up important purchases or investments before the 6th as Jupiter starts his retrograde after that. Your financial planet Jupiter will be retrograde for a few months now. This will slow things down but will not stop your earnings.
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God Bless
Dolly Manghat