
Bone Broth Fast is A Healthy, Nutritious Way to Rejuvenate Your Energy, Weight Loss & Cleansing!

2017-01-23 6 Dailymotion

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Many people go on a water fast for a day and a bone broth fast would be very similar but more nutritional. Any longer bone broth fasting should be done with other foods such as juices, green juices and other highly nutritional liquids.

Always consult your doctor before engaging in a bone broth fast.

Dr. Pompa recommends for longer bone broth fasts to consider the information below:

To do a 4-day bone broth fast using a 5-6 quart crockpot:

Plan to start your broth with 2-3 marrow, feet, neck, or shank bones, and a piece of organ meat, such as liver or heart, if you like.
If you’re using chicken or turkey, choose either whole birds, or cuts such as thighs, backs, drumsticks, and necks that have the skin and bones intact; include the giblets if they’re available. You can also use the carcass from a roasted bird.
For fish, include the entire head and all the bones.
Add to this:

Purified water, 3-4 quarts
Celtic Sea Salt, 2-4 tablespoons (best to start low and adjust flavor as needed after cooking)
An acid (usually raw apple cider vinegar, organic balsamic vinegar, naturally fermented, unseasoned rice vinegar)
A chopped onion
You might also add a little bit of seaweed: a couple of pieces of dulse or kombu, a sheet of nori, 4-5 pieces of wakame – any of these choices is fine. Doing so will increase the iodine composition of the broth, an important nutrient missing from the diets of those who don’t consume a lot of seafood and who use natural sea salts that are not commercially-iodized. Personally, I like the flavor of the dulse the best – it doesn’t lend a “Chicken of the Sea” profile to the broth, yet is still full of trace minerals.

Place everything into a cool crock-pot, and set it for a 4-hour cook time. Fill the pot with enough water to leave only about 1.5″ of space at the top, and cover with the lid. At the end of the 4-hour setting, it will kick into the “keep warm” setting, where it will stay until you direct it otherwise (use a meat thermometer to insure that your lowest setting is at least 180 degrees Fahrenheit.) Allow the ingredients to all cook together for at least 14 hours, preferably 20 or 24.

After this 24-hour cooking cycle, plan to remove any meaty bits, which you can set in the freezer to consume after your fast.

Pour yourself steaming mugs of broth to consume throughout this first full day of your fast. If you find the broth is too oily, ladle most of it from the crockpot into glass jars to cool in the refrigerator. This will cause the fat to congeal at the top of the broth. Simply remove this disc of fat, then pour your broth back into the crockpot, and set the temperature to a 4-hour setting, with the bones in the broth. (Don’t throw this fat away, though! It’s an excellent medium for sautéing vegetables once you’re done with your fast. Store it in a glass jar in your refrigerator for up to a week.)