
Virgo Jan 2017 Horoscope Predictions : Encounter Opportunities For Partnerships Or Joint Ventures

2017-01-21 7 Dailymotion

http://www.dollymanghat.com 80 to 90% of the planets are in the Western Social sector of your chart. your 7th house of love & Social life flourishes as you are required to pay attention to others than your own needs. situations improve through mutual understanding & consensus & not by your personal initiative or abilities.

Whenever the Western side is strong you may experience less confidence and even self esteem may be low especially so till the 8th of this month As Mercury is retrograde, after which situation eases. And you will be able to realize that sometimes what others say can be more benefiting than your own ideas.

You are in your yearly pleasure peaks so party mood remains till the 19th, you will enjoy your work and your space too.

Health remains good though it does need attention as four planets Two of them log term ones are making stressful aspects. feeling under weather just relax and get a check up done. Mental freedom leads to a healthier body.

With Jupiter in your money house right till October 10th you are in a comfortable and prosperous period. When Venus undergoes her solstice from 29th to 31st, you just need to pause and introspect so that the wrong can be corrected. This is applicable to all your joint ventures and finances of your partners both personally and professionally as interestingly Mars your financial planet will also be having his solstice from the 27th to 31st.

Since your financial is spending most of the month in the 7th house from 3rd onward indicates that you may get opportunities for partnerships or joint ventures. your financial intuition will be strong & correct.

Love though would be challenging but improves dramatically after the 13th.

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God Bless
Dolly Manghat