
Fire your semi-auto/burst fire weapons FASTER. (or: What is Oversampling?) - PlanetSide 2

2017-01-11 10 Dailymotion

(Play PlanetSide 2 for Free: http://brinx.it/GB1)
Taking a look at Oversampling, what we can do to avoid it, and ultimately fire our semi-automatic and burst fire weapons fasterrrrrrrr.

::Related Links::
Clicking Speed Counter - http://brinx.it/G8N

::Attached Videos::
5 Quick Tips (Camouflage, etc...) - http://youtu.be/guyf8O7kyi0
Lasher X2 Review - http://youtu.be/snlKyfWr7D8
TTK versus Lag Compensation - http://youtu.be/n3fUok2AoaU

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