
PJ Masks Rescue Paw Patrol Romeo Kidnaps Chase Marshall and Rocky with Gekko Catboy and Owlette

2016-12-22 6 Dailymotion

PJ Masks rescue the Paw Patrol with Romeo kidnapping Chase with Marshall and Rocky as Gekko and Catboy with Owlette save them, by ToysReviewToys. Romeo sets a trap for the Paw Patrol with a monkey. The PJ Masks try to help, but Chase sends them away. Romeo kidnaps the Paw Patrol and puts them in jail and a cage. The PJ Masks rescue them. This video is made by the ToysReviewToys channel in collaboration with the DisneyCarToys channel.\r
Below are the videos in the end screen:\r
PJ Masks Gekko and Owlette Kidnapped and Duplicated by Romeo\r
PJ Masks Luna Girl Steals Gekko Mobile with Cat Car and Owl-Glider \r
PJ Masks Romeo and Night Ninja Put Gekko and Car Boy in Jail\r
PJ Masks Transforms into Plush Toys with Gekko and Owlette\r
Watch my other PJ Masks videos:\r
PJ Masks Tranform into Superheroes in Play-doh Stop Motion Story\r
PJ Masks Color Changers Attacked with Play Doh Stop Motion\r
PJ Masks IRL Halloween Catboy Owlette Prank Romeo Trick-or-Treat\r
PJ Masks Play-doh Claymation Animation Stop Motion Parody\r
PJ Masks Meet Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Fight Night Ninja\r
PJ Masks Play-Doh Stop Motion with Softee Dough Statues\r
PJ Masks Visit Zoo Pranked by Romeo Fall off Wildlife Ledge \r
PJ Masks Time Travel Gekko and Romeo Attacked by T-Rex Dinosaur\r
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