
New Angry Birds Star Wars TELEPODS! - EPIC!!

2016-12-18 12 Dailymotion

We open the packages of angry birds star wars figures and telepods bases. These toys are for the angry birds star wars 2 app. The figures we got are luke skywalker bird (endor gear), princess leia bird, yoda bird, general grievous pig, anakin skywalker bird (sith apprentice) and anakin skywalker bird (pod racer). The telepods base has a magnifying lens in it and the bottom of the figures have a qr code on them. The packages also came with instructions and a piece of paper that shows other figures you can collect like: anakin skywalker bird (padawan), battle droid pig, biker scout pig, bona fett pig, captain panaka bird, count dooku pig, darth maul pig, droideka pig, jango fett pig, jar jar binks bird, jedi youngling bird, mace windu bird, padme amidala bird, qui-gon jinn bird and zam wesell pig.\r
Music Rocket by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)\r
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